A blog on programming and data analysis with R
Iterative processes are characterized by successive steps forming a sequence of states captured by state variables. In each step the state variables are updated based on themselves and some rule. Iteration is often implemented using control-flow constructs like the for
or while
loop (see ?Control
for help).
The functional programming paradigm offers an alternative vocabulary for iteration—as well as for other types of processes—based on some possibly generic vector. That vector, often a list, provides a conventional interface for certain higher order functions (see ?base::Reduce
for help). These higher order functions all enumerate the components of the vector and apply to each component some other function which they receive as argument. Depending on the return value of that function argument and the number of its arguments, such a higher order function may play a number of roles:
, where the function argument has logical value (predicate)Map
and lapply
, where the function argument acts as a unary operator on single components of the vectorReduce
, where the function argument acts as a binary operator on pairs of objects derived from the vectorA general syntax and semantics is illustrated below (figure source here). Note that the R-specific syntax uses uppercase initials: Filter
, Map
, Reduce
In what follows a toy problem will be solved iteratively either with a for
loop or with the accumulator Reduce
to highlight shared features and differences between the two strategies. The toy problem will also illustrate that Reduce
can deal with generalized vectors—in the case a list of data frames.
Suppose we want to turn the input vector into the output vector such that
# this is not R code
v = (T,F,F,T,T,F,F,F,F,F,F,F,T,F,F,F,T,T,T,T,T,F,F,F,F,T,F,F,T,T) # input
w = (1,0,0,2,2,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,3,0,0,0,4,4,4,4,4,0,0,0,0,5,0,0,6,6) # desired output
To generalize the problem, let the input vector be a (finite) sequence taking values on the binary set, say whereas the output vector a sequence on integers with the following properties:
We will refer to such “all-true” subsequences of as -segments and the “all-false” subsequences between them as -segments.
This problem often arises in conjunction with longitudinal data, where we observe a sequence , where each is a binary class label. For example, might indicate a nucleotide site within the coding region of a gene and whether that site is within an exon or an intron. Then the goal would be to uniquely label the exons (but not the introns). Another genetic example is when each is a gene and indicates whether is part of some imprinted gene cluster. Then the goal would amount to uniquely label the clusters.
# made up data
v <- c(T, F, F, T, T, F, F, F, F, F, F, F, T, F, F, F, T, T, T, T, T, F, F, F, F, T, F, F, T, T)
Consider the function
T.seg.loop <- function(v) {
w <- w.j <- as.integer(v[1]) # initialize
for(i in seq(2, length(v))) {
if(! v[i]) w <- c(w, 0) # i is in an F-segment
else { # i is in a T-segment
if(! v[i - 1]) # i is at the start of a T-segment
w.j <- w.j + 1
w <- c(w, w.j)
return(data.frame(v = v, w = w))
The iterative strategy expressed by T.seg.loop
is to visit each sequentially and compute given and the preceding . But besides another piece of information is necessary: the number of -segments occurring up to i.e in the subsequence , which is the same as the value of , where indicates the start of the last -segment in referred to henceforth as the latest -segment.
Note that and may or may not be part of the latest -segment. In both cases if otherwise differs between the two cases: If is in the latest -segment then so is and thus ; but if is in the latest -segment then begins a new -segment, therefore .
As we see, the strategy works:
## v w
## 1 TRUE 1
## 2 FALSE 0
## 3 FALSE 0
## 4 TRUE 2
## 5 TRUE 2
## 6 FALSE 0
## 7 FALSE 0
## 8 FALSE 0
## 9 FALSE 0
## 10 FALSE 0
## 11 FALSE 0
## 12 FALSE 0
## 13 TRUE 3
## 14 FALSE 0
## 15 FALSE 0
## 16 FALSE 0
## 17 TRUE 4
## 18 TRUE 4
## 19 TRUE 4
## 20 TRUE 4
## 21 TRUE 4
## 22 FALSE 0
## 23 FALSE 0
## 24 FALSE 0
## 25 FALSE 0
## 26 TRUE 5
## 27 FALSE 0
## 28 FALSE 0
## 29 TRUE 6
## 30 TRUE 6
But from the present viewpoint what is important is how T.seg.loop
implements iteration
enumerates a components of an integer vector generated by sec
, v[i]
and w.j
and w
play the role of state variablesw <- c(w, 0)
and w <- c(w, w.j)
together with the for
loop accumulate the resultv[i]
and hence w.j
and w
require the entire v
to be available within T.seg.loop
loopAs a result of last two characteristics T.seg.loop
is concise but “monolithic” hence conceptually convoluted, which would hinder its analysis and debugging (if it were necessary). To achieve a more modular design, we turn to functional programming.
Instead of immediately presenting T.seg.funprog
, the functional counterpart of T.seg.loop
, in its complete form, I build it piece-by-piece, demonstrating modularity. I begin by reformulating the problem for a reason to become clear shortly. While the ultimately aim is it will be useful to first compute a vector . Under our toy example
# this is not R code
v = (T, F, F,T,T, F, F, F, F, F, F, F,T, F, F, F,T,T,T,T,T, F, F, F, F,T,F, F,T,T) # input
z = (1,-1,-1,2,2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,-2,3,-3,-3,-3,4,4,4,4,4,-4,-4,-4,-4,5,5,-5,6,6) # desired output
Once is computed then it is easy to obtain the desired using the function
do.zero <- function(z)
ifelse(z > 0, z, 0)
crucially differs from in that not only each -segment but also each -segment has its unique label, a non-positive integer. (Note that the label of the first -segment would be zero both for and if didn’t begin with a .) Therefore, in the -th step of an iterative process can be updated solely from and . In contrast updating of requires not only and but also an additional state variable; in the case of T.seq.loop
this was the role of w.j
Now we need the following:
Before addressing the first point, it will be convenient to initialize the data frame that will hold and the desired
df <- data.frame(v = v)
df$z <- integer(length(df$v))
df$z[1] <- as.integer(df$v[1])
It will also be convenient to restructure the data frame df
into the list l.df
, whose components are single-row data frames each representing row of df
l.df <- lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) df[i, ])
## [[1]]
## v z
## 1 TRUE 1
## [[2]]
## v z
## 2 FALSE 0
The procedure updating is
T.seg.binop <- function(A, B) {
last.A <- A[nrow(A), ] # last row of A
helper <- function() { # returns z for B
if(last.A$v) {
if(B$v) last.A$z
else - last.A$z
} else {
if(B$v) 1 - last.A$z
else last.A$z
B$z <- helper() # replace initial z with correct z
rbind(A, B) # append B to the end of A
The name expresses that T.seq.binop
is a binary operator taking two data frames A
and B
returns a single data frame third one by modifying B
and appending that to A
. Less important is that is actually computed slightly more conveniently from and and than from only and because the latter would require checking if .
A suitable accumulator is already implemented in base::Reduce
. Now we are ready to compute
df <- Reduce(T.seg.binop, l.df)
## [1] 1 -1 -1 2 2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 -2 3 -3 -3 -3 4 4 4 4 4 -4 -4
## [24] -4 -4 5 -5 -5 6 6
Putting everything together
T.seg.funprog <- function(v, F.as.zero = TRUE, ...) {
df <- data.frame(v = v)
df$z <- integer(length(df$v))
df$z[1] <- as.integer(df$v[1])
df <- Reduce(T.seg.binop, lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) df[i, ]), ...)
data.frame(v = v, w = do.zero(df$z))
else df
This function gives the same answer as its loop-based counterpart.
all.equal(T.seg.funprog(v), T.seg.loop(v))
## [1] TRUE
Yet, T.seg.funprog
is rather different from T.seg.loop
in that
and is done directly on l.df
instead of an auxiliary integer vectorw.j
in T.seg.loop
) are needed because the state of the process at each step is represented by the state of the accumulating resultT.seg.binop
updates the state independently of the enumerator/accumulator T.seg.loop
In case of this toy problem the functional programming approach appears conceptually more pleasing due to its modularity. On the other hand, it required longer code, multiple functions, the division of a single problem (finding given ) into two sub problems (finding given and given ), and restructuring the initial data frame df
into the list l.df
The accumulator Reduce
in T.seq.funprog
takes the generalized vector l.df
and accumulates the value of T.seg.binop
called in successive steps. In the -th step the A
argument to T.seg.binop
is the value of the same function at the -th step and the B
argument is the -th component of l.df
, that is l.df[[i]]
. In the final step T.seg.binop(A, B)
evaluates to the desired data frame.
By default Reduce
returns only that final result. However, Reduce
can can additionally return the successive intermediate results when called with the accumulate = TRUE
argument. The terminology might sound confusing but with the default accumulate = FALSE
argument Reduce
is still considered an accumulator. Setting terminology aside, calling Reduce
in T.seg.funprog
with accumulate = TRUE
evaluates to a list of data frames, each component showing the state of the iterative process at the corresponding step:
T.seg.funprog(v, F.as.zero = FALSE, accumulate = TRUE)[1:3]
## [[1]]
## v z
## 1 TRUE 1
## [[2]]
## v z
## 1 TRUE 1
## 2 FALSE -1
## [[3]]
## v z
## 1 TRUE 1
## 2 FALSE -1
## 3 FALSE -1
Given the above definition of T.seg.binop
the only use of accumulate = TRUE
in solving this toy problem is only didactic. But suppose we had a version of T.seg.binop
, say T.seg.binop.2
, that returns only the modified B
without appending it to A
. In that case accumulate = TRUE
would be necessary to obtain the desired result. But then Reduce
would evaluate to a list of one-row data frames—the updated version of l.df
. So that value would have to be restructured to obtain single data frame by another round of accumulation, this time with the binary operator expressed by the rbind
function. Therefore T.seg.funprog
would have to be modified as
T.seg.funprog <- function(v, F.as.zero = TRUE, ...) {
df <- data.frame(v = v)
df$z <- integer(length(df$v))
df$z[1] <- as.integer(df$v[1])
# beginning of modification
l.df <- Reduce(T.seg.binop.2, lapply(seq_len(nrow(df)), function(i) df[i, ]), ...)
df <- Reduce(rbind, l.df)
# end of modification
data.frame(v = v, w = do.zero(df$z))
else df