Manuscript title: Novel monoallelically-expressed genes and relaxation of imprinting with advanced age in the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex.

abbreviation concept
(R)MAE (random) monoallelic expression
SCZ schizophrenia

Rationale and expectations

Functional roles

Andy: generate diversity and/or dosage regulation (Dscam paper by Neves,…, Chess, neuronal identity); mammals neurexin, pcdh protocadherin

Andy: being diploid is generally beneficial but: battle between sexes growth control males boost growth promoting genes (e.g. IGF2); females suppress; Heigh’s theory

Onset and extent of RMAE

Andy: 0.7 % indicates that RMAE has less importance in the brain than in the immune systems*

Molecular mechanisms



Extent of MAE

ms p.3: the discordance rate (monoallelic RNA genotype in the context of a heterozygous DNA genotype) was 0.71%”

how about consistency with 5-10 % (Gimelbrant et al)?

Andy: two papers by Gregg,…, Dulac, which was followed up by DeVeale et al