Various plots present the distribution of read count ratio across individuals and genes jointly. Genes are also ranked using a summary statistic derived from the empirical distribution of read count ration across individuals for each given gene.

Missing data due to bug

For each gene of 16026 genes the higher and lower read counts across individuals are stored in a .csv file. However, nearly 3 % of those files are empty due to a bug that resulted in multiple headers in Ifat’s html tables (see for instance gene AK3) and to the inability of my converter script to deal with such tables. To see this:

SEDCMD='s/^.*attila attila\s\+\([[:digit:]]\+\).*\/\([^/]\+\)\.csv$/\1,\2/'
[ -f $OUTFILE ] || {
    # create header
    echo "file.size,gene.symbol" > $OUTFILE
    # get file size (in bytes) for each gene under 'genes' directory
    find "${DATADIR}/genes" -name '*.csv' | xargs ls -l | sed "$SEDCMD" >> $OUTFILE
cat <<EOF
Number of .csv files

all: $(grep --count '^[[:digit:]]\+,' $OUTFILE )
empty: $(grep --count '^0,' $OUTFILE )
## Number of .csv files
## all: 16026
## empty: 442
## Loading required package: RColorBrewer

Import read count data

Load data importer functions:


The following expressions import for all 1.5584 × 104 genes for which the csv file is nonempty.

gene.summary <-
rownames(gene.summary) <- gene.summary$Symbol
gene.summary$file.size <-
    read.csv("../../data/readcount/fsize-genes.csv", row.names = 2)[rownames(gene.summary), , drop = TRUE]
gene.ids <- with(gene.summary, as.character(Symbol)[ file.size > 0 ])
Y <- get.readcounts(gene.ids, g.subsets = list(), sel.var = c("H", "N"), rm.conflict = TRUE)
S <- data.frame(lapply(gene.ids, function(g) Y[[g]]$H / Y[[g]]$N), check.names = FALSE)
names(S) <- gene.ids
N <- data.frame(lapply(Y, getElement, "N"), check.names = FALSE)

Perform filtering

Filtering genes based on number of observations

For more than half of even the genes with nonempty files the number of observations (the number of individuals/RNA samples with read count data on ) is zero. In what follows, not only these genes are filtered out but also those with less than 10 observations, indicated by the vertical dashed line on the empirical ECDF plot below.

min.n.obs <- 25

plot of chunk ecdf-n-obs

Data preparation

Update: filtering based on a subsequent post

min.obs <- 25 # reset t_ind
# implementation detail!: filter out genes with fewer observations than 'min.obs'
g.passed <- names(S)[sapply(S, function(y) sum(! >= min.obs)]
min.reads <- 15 # set t_rc
S <-, X = S[g.passed], N = N[g.passed], min.obs = min.obs)
N <-, X = N[g.passed], N = N[g.passed], min.obs = min.obs)
# ECDFs for all filter levels and all genes g; individual ECDF components F_g are named according to gene g
# the expression also sorts genes g according to F_g(0.9) where F_g is the ECDF for gene g 
ED <- list(fun = sorted.ecdfs(S))
# evaluate ECDF at
ED$ss <- seq(0.5, 1, length.out = 101)
ED$val <- data.frame(lapply(ED$fun, function(f) f(ED$ss)), check.names = FALSE)
# fractions of interest
frac <- do.fractions(ED$fun, S, N, frac = 10:6 / 10,
            = CI.p, max.ucl = 0.7, max.s = 0.6)
# sort data according to gene ranking
S <- S[names(ED$fun)]
N <- N[names(ED$fun)]

Computationally demanding calculations to prepare data for presentation:

ED.long <- reshape(ED$val, v.names = "ECDF", varying = names(ED$val),
                   timevar = "gene", times = factor(names(ED$val)),
                   idvar = "s", ids = ED$ss, direction = "long")
ED.long$gene <- factor(ED.long$gene, levels = names(ED$val), ordered = TRUE)

Figure for manuscript

This figure is intended to:

There are 5283 genes on this figure but before filtering there were 15584 genes.

plot of chunk complex-plot

plot of chunk complex-plot-density

Figures for live presentation

plot of chunk complex-plot-bplot of chunk complex-plot-b

plot of chunk complex-plot-cplot of chunk complex-plot-c

Revision for Nature Communications

set.seed(19760415) # my birthdate
sel.g.rnd <- sample(names(S), 42)
Y.long <- reshape.Y2long(sel.g.rnd)

plot of chunk S-Dx-strip